Title: My shell will never break Fandom: The Craft Pairing: Rochelle/Sarah Wordcount: 175 Rating: PG AN: Title by Epica, Force of the Shore Challenge: Drabbletag 7 - pretty
Title: I need a change of fate Fandom: The Craft Pairing: Bonnie/Rochelle Wordcount: 250 Rating: M AN: Title from Epica, "Illusive Consensus" Challenge: Drabbletag 7 - candle
Title: You have to believe Fandom: Buffy Characters: Cordelia and the Cordettes Words: 919 Rating: G Prompt: The Craft AU for clockwork_hart1 in AU august comment ficathon Prompt: 100_women - laughter
Great, another table ... but with this one I don't have to limit myself on just one fandom, I can do whatever I want, mwuahaha! As long as it contains women; should not be too difficult :D